About Download Optimizer

Download Optimizer is a transparent, open-source CDN front-end that leverages Python, Flask, and HTTP Request technologies to initiate downloads.

When a HTTP GET request is received, Download Optimizer takes the IP address of the client and uses it to obtain a latitude and longitude location for that client. It then uses the Haversine Formula to calculate the distance across the surface of the Earth between the client, and each of the mirrors in the network. Finally, it then grabs the mirror closest to the client, and sends a HTTP 302 Redirect response pointing to the mirror deemed to be the closest to the user.

IP addresses may be internally logged (per default uWSGI and Nginx settings) by an individual instance of Download Optimizer. A count of the number of downloads is maintained by all Download Optimizer instances.

Haversine Formula
Stats for this instance
Source Code

Technologies Used
Python Programming Language
Flask Web Framework
Nginx Web Server
BASH Scripting Language
HTTP Protocol
Haversine Library